Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Trip to the Zoo

      Yesterday we went to Memphis to visit Aunt Mel and Uncle Josh. We had talked about maybe going to the zoo, and it was a pretty day so we decided to take Rylee for her first trip. She was really excited. She loved getting to see so many new things.
     When we would come up to an animal she would say, "What's that?" I would tell her what it was, and then she would try to say it, or just say "Oh," if the name was too hard for her to try to say. Her favorites were the tigers who she lovingly called "dogger". :) While we walked through the cats exhibits she constantly said "Me-ow". It was pretty cute because lions, panthers, cheetahs, and tigers don't typically say "me-ow."
   She got pretty tired by the end of the visit and wanted a break form being held. She took the chance to have a nice chat with her Aunt Mel and then she got into her stroller and rested for a bit. It was a very good first visit, and I'm glad we waited until she was old enough to enjoy it!

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