Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Break

      This Monday and Tuesday have been my Fall break from school. I don't have class on Fridays, so I got five whole days to spend with my baby girl! Friday, Daddy went in to work early for some overtime, so I took Rylee to Granny's to visit and pick up some gifts they got her while they were out of town last week. After our visit, we went grocery shopping. When we got home she took a nap and I got some homework done. Then it was playtime. Rylee is teething pretty bad and she was running a fever, so I stripped her down to her diaper and took her outside to cool off. She had a blast. She walked around outside with her horsey for over an hour and cried when I took her inside for dinner.
      Saturday we went to Ryan's parents' to do fall pictures. After we were done with pictures, Rylee went home with Ryan and took a nap while I went to Liz's to help sort through the pictures and pick which ones would be keepers. After we got done, Liz and Kaden and Ryan, Rylee and I had dinner at Olympic. It was delicious, and the perfect ending to a wonderful day.
     Sunday, we slept in because Ryan wasn't feeling well. When he finally got out of bed around noon, he felt much better, so we decided to make it a date night. We dropped Rylee off at Granny's to play while we went to see Real Steel and have dinner at Applebee's. Real Steel was such a good movie. We both had a wonderful time. We even stopped and picked out some frames to hang the fall pictures in. When we got home Rylee wasn't feeling well, so I had to rock her to sleep, but, of course, I didn't mind. I love snuggle time with my baby girl.
     Yesterday, I spent pretty much all day doing homework. I took a few breaks to play with buggy and snuggle her, but I had a lot to get done. Today I have spent all day playing with my buggy. I've read her a dozen stories, snuggled her a thousand times, and just enjoyed being with her. I love my little girl so much. She is a ball of life and I just love to see her smile and hear her laugh!
     I'm halfway through this awful semester, then all I have left is student teaching and I'm done with school! :)

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