Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Two Babies, One Shower

      On Saturday, October 22, we had a baby shower for the two new expected arrivals to our family. Ryan's sister, Melanie and Ryan's cousin, Matt are both expecting babies this winter. Melanie's son, Austin Charles is due on Christmas day and Matt's daughter, Jenna Brooke is due on new year's day.
     Rylee is excited about being a big cousin again, can't you tell? Haha! She doesn't really understand what's going on, but once she meets the babies I'm sure she'll warm up to them. She's kinda frustrated now because it's not comfortable for her to be held by her Aunt Mel and so she doesn't know what to do.
    Rylee and Kaden had fun for a while at the shower, but soon they were ready to go outside and play. They both adore being outdoors, so it was torture for them to be able to see it but not go there! After the shower, I took Ryles outside to play for a while.

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