Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

     On Tuesday, Rylee and Kaden had a play date, and we decided to have them make their Father's Day gifts to their daddies together. They turned out sooooo cute and both of their daddies loved them! :)
      Rylee was so cute bringing the gifts to him. She was so proud of her picture and she had to show him the glitter and tell him all about how she used her hands to make the crown. I also picked up a game for Ryan to surprise him with an extra gift. Rylee ran up to him and told him, "It's a game!" before he even opened it. Haha! He was very happy with both of his gifts!
      This morning I let Ryan pick what we had for breakfast, so I ended up making him cinnamon rolls and iced coffee. After breakfast, we headed to church. Ryan won a prize for being the youngest father at church today! Haha! Rylee was good in the nursery. She is getting better and better at staying places without me there. We heard a good sermon about the top ten attributes of a perfect father. I'd say Rylee is pretty lucky because she has one OUTSTANDING father who loves his family and does whatever he can for them at all times. I am so thankful to call him my husband! Happy Father's Day, Ryan! :)

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