Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rylee's 2nd Birthday Party

      Today was Rylee's birthday party. It turned out to be such an amazing day. I couldn't have hoped for any better. The weather was gorgeous, the food was wonderful, the cake was fantastic, and of course we had such good company! Everyone had a blast!
      Rylee looked adorable in her party outfit. Of course I had to get her something special tow ear for her big day. The theme of her party was monkeys because she is my little monkey-baby. And, yes, she is still MY baby! Even if she is 2!
        We have had a very busy week, so I wasn't sure what kind of mood Rylee would be in at her party today, but she had a great time. She has a bit of social anxiety, but she did well with all the guests. She had fun opening gifts and eating sweets! She got soooo many great gifts. She is going to have lots to play with.
       I love my little princess so very much. I still can't believe she's already had 2 birthdays, 2 parties. It seems like I was pregnant only yesterday, but now I have a toddler! Time surely does fly! I wouldn't trade a single moment with her. She entertains us, surprises us, makes us so happy, sometimes frustrates us, but always makes us better. She has changed me for the better and I love being her mommy. I can't wait to see who you become, pretty girl! Mommy loves you!

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