Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rylee is 2!

      Today my Rylee Love turned 2! This week has been CRAZY, and today was no different! Monday, Wednesday, and half-day today, I had professional development workshops. They were very interesting, but tiring. Tuesday we went to Chickasaw State Park to spend the day with my parents. We had a lot of fun! Tomorrow we are going back to spend another full day down there. I am excited! Saturday is Rylee's birthday party. This week is busy, busy, busy, but filled with fun!
      Rylee seemed to have a great birthday. She played with Bailey this morning while I worked until 11:30. Then when I got home I gave her a Popsicle because they are her favorite thing right now. Then she took a nap. While she napped, Bailey and I made her cupcakes for her cupcake party this afternoon and Ryan put together her big birthday gift so she could have it today. We are keeping the rest of her gifts for her to open on Saturday. Her big gift was a vanity with lots of stuff to play dress-up with. She LOVES it!
      After we gave her her gift, we had some family over for cupcakes so everyone could wish her a happy birthday. Then Ryan, Rylee, and I, Liz, Brandon, and Kaden, Mary and Bailey, and Mel headed to Memphis to Incredible Pizza. We pigged out on the pizza buffet and then spent the next 2 hours playing games. Everyone had a lot of fun.
    I can't believe my little princess is already 2 years old! I love my little family so much and would do anything for them. As this week nears the end, I am becoming more and more tired, but in a good way. I am glad to be making so many memories with the people I love.

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