Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Rough Start

This was Rylee's first week of school. Monday was Presidents Day and today is a sick day, so she only went 3 days. Her first day was fantastic, but the other 2 days were less than perfect. Wednesday, Ryan had to drop Rylee off because I had early duty. She got a little more upset than she did on Tuesday, but she calmed quickly. However, when Liz came to pick Kade up and I hadn't come yet, she lost it. When I arrived, less than 5 minutes later, Rylee was crying hysterically in a ball in the corner of the room. It made me sad that she was so scared that I wasn't coming back. Because Wednesday ended so badly, it was a chore to even get her there on Thursday. She didn't want to go to school at all, and she became hysterical after I left. Apparently she got so upset that she hyperventilated and spit up all over her outfit and had to be changed. But the rest of the day, she was fine. She played and ate and was as happy as could be when I picks her up.
I was hoping since yesterday ended well today would be fine. But she woke up at 12:30 last night getting sick. She got sick several times between then and 8 am, and she and I got very little sleep. She can't go to school after she's been sick which I think is a good policy to keep kids healthy, so she and I are home today for a sick day. I have a feeling other parents haven't followed the sick rules, though because a lot of kids at her school have had the stomach virus. I'm glad it's Friday so she'll have all weekend to recuperate.
Hopefully next week will be great, because right now I'm wishing I was a stay at home mommy and she never had to go to daycare, but she'd have to start school eventually so that'd only help for so long... But I hate when SAHM complain about their job, they have no idea how good they have it! I love my breaks when I get to take care of my love all day everyday!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rylee's First Day of "School"

      Today was Rylee's first day at New Life Learning Center. She's starting in the 2-year-old pre-k room. Yesterday was Ryan's first day at Unilever, but I was off school for President's day, so Mary and I and our girls had a girls day out. It was the perfect way to spend Rylee's last day before going to school for the next 15 years, plus at least 4 years of college. Ha! We took the girls to Chik-fil-a for lunch, playtime, and ice cream. Then we headed to the Dyersburg mall for some shopping fun! It was a great day!
      Rylee does not like to be waken up, so this morning had a little bit of a rough start, but she quickly got excited about going to school. She ate her breakfast, a chocolate pop tart and vanilla almond milk, on the way to school and laugh and talked excitedly the whole way. When we got out of the car, she was so excited to be at school. I could tell she was a little nervous because she brought Pinky the bear with her, and he's a security item for her, but she was smiling and laughing and really excited.
      When we got in the door, I had to drop off some paperwork, and she was excited and anxious to go in and see the other kids. However, when we got in there, 2 children were crying and that scared her. She got upset and Ms. Cindy quickly came to the rescue and snuggled her until she cheered up which only took a second, because Aunt Liz and Kade came walking through the door. She was so excited to see a familiar face! She was happy by the time I left her, which made going to work a lot easier for me. :)
    When I picked her up, she was playing her heart out with another little girl, and she was as happy as can be. This face is because she didn't want to go home! She told Ms. Krista, "See you tomorrow!" and we headed on our way home. She talked about her day the whole way home. She was so excited. Ms. Krista said she played all day like she'd been going there forever. She ate her lunch like a big girl, napped well (after she got used to the idea of sleeping on a cot on the floor), and she didn't have any accidents (something I was worried about in a new situation). She kept Pinky the bear and her silky nearby all day, but When I got there, she had them in a pile on the rug while she was playing, so I'm glad she felt secure enough to put them down. I am so proud of my big girl! I can't believe she goes to school!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

           Today is Valentine's Day, and it has been a good one! I started out by leaving little surprises for Mary and Ryan, and they both were thrilled at a little sweet treat to start their days. Then I headed to school to celebrate with my kiddos. We had a blast at our class party, and my sweet kids gave me lots of sweet things. Then I came home to celebrate with my Valentine's. Rylee got spoiled rotten, as usual. She got a box of chocolates, a bag of mini chips ahoy, a stuffed owl with a stuffed heart, chocolate hearts, and a Chuggington game for her Mobigo2. I got spoiled as well with flowers, a box of chocolates, a card, a cake, and the 5th season of Big Bang Theory on DVD! :)
     I feel beyond blessed to have the best 2 Valentine's anyone could ever ask for. I am so in love with my husband, more so every single day! And my Rylee Love just amazes me beyond words. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love my little family so much! Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Miss Bailey is 3!

      Saturday. we had a birthday party to celebrate Bailey's 3rd birthday. It was so much fun! Bailey wanted a princess party, and I would say she was the prettiest birthday princess I've ever seen. I just love this silly girl to death, and I have so enjoyed having her and Mary live with us these past 6 months.
     Every one's favorite part of the party was the pinata! Rylee refused to try to hit it, but all the other kiddos had a blast beating it, until finally Mary broke it so all the candy would rain down! :) After that, bailey opened presents. She got absolutely spoiled! And then came time for snacks and cake! There almost wasn't a cake at this party thanks to Rylee! While we were taking pictures of Bailey just before the party started, we walked in to find Rylee getting into the cake! Luckily, she only got a little bit of the icing and it was easily repaired. My crazy girl!
     Sunday was Bailey's actual birthday, so we went to Incredible Pizza to celebrate. We were so glad the my parents got to join us. Bailey loved having her Grandma and Grandpa at her birthday! First we enjoyed their yummy pizza buffet. Rylee ate 5 pieces of cheese pizza and a whole flavored applesauce cup!!! Then we headed to play some games.
    The kids had a blast playing game after game after game. They have grown so much and every time we go to a place like this, they seem to enjoy it more and more. I love these sweet babies, but I can't believe one of them is now 3! Goodness! Rylee's next! I don't even want to think about it yet!