Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Rough Start

This was Rylee's first week of school. Monday was Presidents Day and today is a sick day, so she only went 3 days. Her first day was fantastic, but the other 2 days were less than perfect. Wednesday, Ryan had to drop Rylee off because I had early duty. She got a little more upset than she did on Tuesday, but she calmed quickly. However, when Liz came to pick Kade up and I hadn't come yet, she lost it. When I arrived, less than 5 minutes later, Rylee was crying hysterically in a ball in the corner of the room. It made me sad that she was so scared that I wasn't coming back. Because Wednesday ended so badly, it was a chore to even get her there on Thursday. She didn't want to go to school at all, and she became hysterical after I left. Apparently she got so upset that she hyperventilated and spit up all over her outfit and had to be changed. But the rest of the day, she was fine. She played and ate and was as happy as could be when I picks her up.
I was hoping since yesterday ended well today would be fine. But she woke up at 12:30 last night getting sick. She got sick several times between then and 8 am, and she and I got very little sleep. She can't go to school after she's been sick which I think is a good policy to keep kids healthy, so she and I are home today for a sick day. I have a feeling other parents haven't followed the sick rules, though because a lot of kids at her school have had the stomach virus. I'm glad it's Friday so she'll have all weekend to recuperate.
Hopefully next week will be great, because right now I'm wishing I was a stay at home mommy and she never had to go to daycare, but she'd have to start school eventually so that'd only help for so long... But I hate when SAHM complain about their job, they have no idea how good they have it! I love my breaks when I get to take care of my love all day everyday!

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