Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to School

      Goodness gracious, I think absolutely every part of my body is sore and tired, but I made it through my first week as a Kindergarten teacher! And it was fabulous. I already adore my sweet kiddos so much! Kindergarten is an entirely different challenge than first grade, but I think I am already getting the hang of things. The first day, I was a little surprised by how much I was going to have to teach these babies, not academically, but in terms of how to hold a pencil, how to use their supplies, how to stand in line, how to raise their hand, how to stay in their seats for more than 1 minute... etc. After I realized what all they needed to know and started working on it, it seems like this week got better and better. But it did WEAR ME OUT! I am glad it's the weekend. Next week will be the real challenge having all 19 of my Kindergartners there all day all week long. We phased in this week, so the most I ever had at one time was 10 students. I can only imagine how exhausting going to be to work with all 19 of them at once. Ah! But if I am tired, which I am, it is in the best possible way. The- I've been busting my rear doing what I was absolutely meant to do- kind of way!
     This sweet girl has had a fabulous time in the 3-year-old preschool this week. Last week, she moved back and forth from the 2-year-old room to the 3-year-old room and that made her very uneasy and unhappy. This week has been entirely different. She loves her new "big girl" class and loves her new teacher, Ms. Cindy. She also loves spending all day with Bailey, but she did inform me on Monday afternoon that she is sad that Kade "quit school." (He didn't quit, he just stayed in the 2-year-old room, but she doesn't see him anymore, so she is sad that he isn't with her.) I have been missing her something fierce, though. I don't even have a minute to stop and miss her while I'm with my students, but every afternoon, I am so glad to get her in my arms again, and every morning it hurts my heart to let her go. This morning, she ran in and sat down as happy as could be, and I left with tears rolling down my cheeks. Blame it on the hormones, but this adjustment has definitely been harder on me than on her!

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