Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer's End

    It's official today is the last day of summer, not the season, but the end of summer break from school. Teacher inservice begins tomorrow and students start back next Monday. We have had so much fun this summer, that it's sad to see it end. Last Saturday, we took Rylee to see the Jackson Generals play. We had a blast, and she really got into the game.
      Thursday, Liz and I took Kade and Rylee to Kid's Play in Germantown and they had an absolute blast. I think they would have stayed all day if they didn't get hungry. We played for 2 1/2 hours and then headed next door to Mellow Mushroom for some awesome pizza. It's days like that that made our summer so fantastic! We did so many fun things this summer, and I am excited about all the new experiences Rylee had.
    I have so enjoyed spending every single day with this sweet girl. Even thought it is sad to see summer break end, I am super excited to begin a new school year. The more time I have to prepare, the more excited I get. I am now thrilled to be in Kindergarten, and I really look forward to what this year has in store for me. I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be at this moment and I couldn't be happier. This coming week will be a bit hard, sitting through inservice, missing my Ryles, but as soon as I meet "my babies" next week, everything will be so worth it! I love working with children, and I pray that God works through me to bless these babies as much as they will surely bless me! :)

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