Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Payton's Shower and Nursery

     Last Sunday, Liz hosted a baby shower for little miss Payton at church. It was absolutely lovely. She is already one spoiled little girl! Some people think that showers should not be thrown for second (and third, fourth, so on..) children, but I look at it as a celebration of a life. At Rylee's shower, we celebrated Rylee. At Payton's shower, we celebrated Payton. Every life is unique and deserves to be celebrated in some way whether big or small. It's almost like their initial birth day party...
      Payton is blessed with lots of people who love her and who anxiously await her arrival. She is loved so much already. I cannot believe that in a month (or less, if she so decides), I will have her in my arms! This pregnancy has flown by!
     She got a lot of great gifts at the shower, and I had great help opening them. 1 big sister and 2 big cousins were very excited to see all the stuff for baby Payton. They are all so excited for her arrival. No one better ever mess with her, because she's definitely got 3 guardians watching her back! :)
    Today, I finally got the chance to organize all of her stuff from the shower. Waiting 6 days to put her stuff up is completely unlike me, but it was a busy, crazy, tiring week. However, I did wake up at 6 am and get started on it today. I guess the nesting period has hit! Last night, I ordered her travel system and pack-n-play, so as soon as those arrive, we will be completely ready for her to be here!
     I love Payton's nursery. It is my favorite room in the house. I can't wait until she's in that room, and all her things are going to good use. I just go in there and think about her, and it makes me happy. I already love her so much, I feel so blessed that God has entrusted me with 2 precious princesses.
    I've been going to the doctor every 2 weeks, now, and after my next appointment, I will start going weekly. Payton has been growing right on track at every check-up. On Monday, I will be 35 weeks pregnant, and so far in this pregnancy I have gained 18 lbs. That's much better than the 40 I gained while pregnant with Rylee... Lol! If Payton decides to come on her own, my doctor said he is not going to stop her, otherwise she will be born via repeat C-section on September 25. I can't believe how close it is getting! I am so ready to meet you, Payton Joy!

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