Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bailey is 4!

     I cannot believe my sweet Bailey Anne is 4 years old! In Rylee's words, Bailey had "the best birthday party ever!" We had a little bit of snowfall overnight before her party, but the sun came out and pretty much cleared the roads before party time and we ended up having a wonderful time.
      Rylee adored the party hat. She thought it was so much fun to wear! Payton enjoyed the snuggles. She was battling RSV and a bacterial infection, so she wasn't feeling 100%, but she loved all the hugs and kisses she was getting.
      Bailey got so, so many great gifts. She is one spoiled little lady! Chuck's dad even came in dressed up in an elephant costume because the kids said they wanted an elephant at the party. How cool is that?! Rylee and Bailey LOVED "Ella the Elephant." 
    After presents and cake, they turned on the air compressors and up came the bouncy house. The kids bounced and bounced until we had to go to make room for another child's birthday party. I would say this party was a 100% success.
      I love my sweet Bailey-girl to the moon! She is the spunkiest, silliest, sassiest, prettiest, best 4-year-old I know! I loved the time I had with her living under the same roof, and I feel like she and Rylee are sisters more than cousins. But if you ask Rylee, she'll simply say, "Bailey is my best friend!" :)

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