Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, February 1, 2014

This Madness We Call Life...

      We have still yet to have a "normal" week, but I'm learning to appreciate each day for what it is and trust that God is teaching me something through the madness. As soon as we got Payton back to school after having croup (She was in the ER on a Monday night, she was able to return to school on that Wednesday), Rylee got sent home because she threw up and had a rash. I took her to the Dr. and it turned out she had Roseola, she had been through the contagious part of the virus already and was able to return to school that Thursday, but by then I had missed 2 days that week, and my classroom routine was well off...
     The following Monday was MLK, Jr. Day, so we had the day off from school. Ryan called me about 2 to tell me his boss was sending him home from work. He had fever and chills. By 8 PM the stomach flu had reared it's ugly head and he was sick nonstop until Thursday evening, and was off Friday, too, as a recovery day. My school days were back on schedule, but home life was hectic. I was running nonstop taking care of the girls by myself and trying to help Ryan in any way I could. I was also trying desperately to avoid and cross contamination to keep the girls and myself healthy. Friday night, Ryan was better and the girls and I were still well, so I thought I had been successful.
    Saturday morning, Payton threw up twice and she had some terrible diapers for the rest of the day. It's hard to tell what's going on with babies because honestly, they spit up and poop so often, that it's hard to tell when it's sickness or just normal. I waited to see what was going to happen, and she began coughing a little, and her nose was running, so I didn't think it was the stomach flu. I woke up with a sore throat and cough on Sunday, so I had Ryan take Payton to get her checked out to make sure it wasn't anything we should keep her home from school for. The Urgent care Dr. didn't do any bloodwork, so we didn't know if she had a virus, but he examined her throat and listened to her chest and basically said it was cold, and she was fine to go to school.
     So we started off Monday like any other Monday. Then around 2, I got a text from Rylee's teacher that her stomach was hurting. Then at 3, they called me to let me know she was throwing up. Ryan picked her up immediately, and I went later to get Payton. It had occurred to me that Payton may have had the stomach flu Saturday, but I didn't want to risk her getting it from Rylee if she hadn't had it already. School was called off on Tuesday because of a subzero windchill, so I was thankful I didn't have to use one of my sick days to stay home with Rylee. Then Tuesday morning, I woke up with the stomach flu and I realized I was the last one to get it. Ryan then Payton then Rylee then me. I was relieved in a way that I had it, so that it could just be done. It was easier on me and the girls than it was for Ryan and never lasted for more than 24 hours for any of us. Wednesday we returned to school, only to find the boiler was down and our heat was out. Luckily, there was enough hot water left in the boiler to keep some areas of the building comfortably warm, so we kept all students in the warm areas and the heat was fixed by lunch time. By the end of the day everyone was able to be in their own classrooms and schedules were resumed, but the morning was pretty hectic. Thursday and Friday were pretty much on schedule, but we are dealing with a difficult time at our church. We are praying for guidance and clarity on the situation.
     Friday night, we went to dinner as a family and just enjoyed that for the moment all of us are well. And today, we are trying to catch up on everything that got put on the back burner while we were just trying to get by these last few weeks. Most of all, we are just enjoying our time together. I love my little family.

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