Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Payton's First Valentine's Day

      Our Valentine's celebrations started Thursday with the girls' class parties and my class "party" at school. The girls had a blast, and Rylee was so proud to pass out her valentines to all her friends.
     Friday was Valentine's Day. When the girls got home, we gave them their gifts: giant stuffed animals and a balloon each. They both loved them, especially the balloons! Payton sat and played with hers for over an hour. It was funny watching her try to catch the balloon. Ryan got me roses and made me a chocolate cake. It was perfect! Payton had an amazing first Valentine's Day and even passed out in her high chair during her dinner due to all the excitement.
     Yesterday, the girls went to Nonna's for the day and we went to Memphis. We went to lunch, ran some errands, and then we were going to browse some car lots because I have been needing something bigger than my Cobalt ever since Payton was born. I had good idea of our monthly budget and had done some research on some full size sedans and some SUVs, but we really weren't sure if we'd buy anything yesterday or not. But we did! I got a 2013 Hyundai Sonata SE with lots of extras. I love it! It is a full size sedan and has a lot more space than my Cobalt, and a bit more space than Ryan's Avenger. It drives and handles amazingly and the best part is I was super comfortable driving it right away (which is a big deal for me). We got a good deal with payments that we could afford, and they gave me a good price for my Cobalt. It was sad to say goodbye to Cheryl, but now I have Veronica. :)

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