Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

      Rylee and I started our Mother's Day celebration off Friday night with a mother-daughter double date with Mary and Bailey. We went to dinner at Applebee's then went to see Rio 2. The girls were so funny, they both watched the movie so intently and did not take their eyes off the screen. We had a blast together.
     Saturday, we had errands to run, so we decided to make it fun by heading out for a family lunch first. I dressed the girls in matching tshirts and Rylee thought that was the best thing ever. I'm going to take advantage of this while I can because be fore long they won't enjoy matching outfits I'm sure!
    When we got home from our errands, Payton and I took a nice nap. I was TIRED from SAT 10 testing and hyped-up kindergartners at school all week, and being out at the movies the night before, so it was a much-needed rest!
       Sunday morning, Rylee couldn't wait to give me my card. She was so proud that she signed her and Payton's names all by herself. She also drew me a sweet picture of us 3. I love that little girl and her big heart so much! We were making a card for my mom one afternoon, and she signed her name and then she drew a big cross and she drew Jesus on that cross. Then she handed me the marker and said , "Mama, can you write to Grandma?" I asked her what she wanted me to write, and she said, "You need to write: Did you know Jesus died on the cross for you? He loves you and I love you, too." I cried, and I still tear up thinking about her precious heart. I am so blessed to be her mommy.
       Sunday, we got dressed up and headed to church. I missed the sermon because Payton was rowdy, so I took her out, then Rylee came and found us, so I spent most of church in the back playing with my princesses, but I guess that was a fitting way to spend Mother's Day. :)
     After church, we headed home. Ryan helped me clean the house since it was Mother's Day and all, then Mel, Austin, Nonna, and Granddaddy came over for a little bit. Rylee and Austin played and played. They are too funny together. After they headed home, Ryan made me a delicious dinner of grilled steaks and french fries. Yum!
      I lack adequate words to describe how I feel about these 2 princesses. I love them so much; I can feel it from my head to my toes. It kills me to see them hurting or upset, and it lifts my spirits to soaring heights just to see them smile or laugh. I am a weirdo. I do things differently than other people do. I feel strongly about certain things that others do not, and things that do bother some parents don't bother me. But I know that these 2 girls love me, and I surely know I love them. I feel so blessed that God has entrusted these 2 precious souls to my care, and I take my job as their mother very seriously. Motherhood humbles me, overwhelms me, drains me, fills me, gives me purpose, motivates me, frightens me, and overjoys me. I want the best for these 2 girls every single day, and part of wanting the best for them is making sure I am doing the best I can for them. The only way for me to do that is to give it all over to God and allow him to guide me as a parent and as his child. I know that I make mistakes, but I hope these angels always know that I love them and everything I do, I do because I love them so.

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