Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, August 25, 2014

11 Months of Joy

      I cannot believe that one month from today my baby will be 1. Where does the time go?! The first year flies by and each stage is gone in the link of an eye. I am very sad that her first year has nearly come and gone already. Payton Joy is about 21 lbs and 28.5 in. She's been consistently in the 75th percentile for height and weight. She's still in 12 M clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 2-3 shoes. She typically sleeps from 7 - 5:30, then takes 2 naps. She's not consistent about her naps at daycare. She loves her crib, and she doesn't sleep well in a pack-n-play. She is "talking" up a storm lately. Her favorite thing to say is "bye Bye' and wave. She also has discovered clapping, and she loves to clap her hands.

     I just cannot believe how much she's grown. I wish they didn't grow so quickly at first. So much changes in the first year. It's such a blur. I want to go back and hold that teeny tiny baby while she napped, or hear her first coos and babbles again. I miss her gummy little grins and her fuzzy dark hair. It's so sad how quickly they grow up! But I am thankful that I get to watch her grow and learn new things, and I wouldn't trade a single moment with her!
     She loves to eat! She has 5 teeth now (3 on top, 2 on bottom) and is working on number 6. Now that she has top teeth she can really chow down! She's started learning how to use a fork and she's pretty good at it. She eats all table food now. At daycare she eats a oatmeal for breakfast, leftovers from dinner the night before for lunch, and she takes 2 formula bottles. At home I nurse her first thing in the morning, as soon as I pick her up from daycare, and before bed. For dinner she eats whatever we eat. There are very few things that she has refused, and even if she refuses something I keep offering it to her (but definitely not forcing her), and eventually she seems to come around. If I don't cook for whatever reason, she usually eats a yogurt and something to go with it. She loves yogurt.
     She is so active now! She loves to rough house. She crawls so fast! She is also started to stand unsupported for short amount of time. She seems very interested in walking, but it doesn't seem she's strong enough to balance herself just yet. Rylee was just the opposite, she had the strength, but not the desire. Payton wants it so bad, so I know the minute she is capable, she will be going. I hope she holds off for a little longer though. I'm not ready for my baby to be walking around! I love the way she crawls, it's like she's in high gear. She zooms around the house, playing and exploring. It's so stinkin' cute.
    Her room has slowly transformed over this year from a nursery to a playroom. She loves to play and is getting to the point where she will sit and play independently for a block of time. But she likes it best when Rylee, Ryan or I (or all 3) come play with her. She gets so excited when Rylee comes and plays her baby toys with her.
     Even though I am sad about her growing up, I love this age a lot. Her little personality shines through more every day. She is such a funny little girl. Her huge smile and laugh are contagious. She's mischievous. She will do something like take my glasses off, then she gets the cutest little grin like "gotcha!" I can't help but laugh at her. I am so thankful that I am her mommy and I get to enjoy all these precious moments with her.

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