Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

      Sunday we had our Thanksgiving lunch at Mary's Chapel. Payton still wasn't feeling 100%, so she didn't eat, but she really missed out on a good meal. Rylee ate cheezits and chocolate cake in typical picky-eater fashion, but she enjoyed it and that's all that matters I guess.
     Today we got up and I made cookies and cornbread muffins. Then I got Ryan up, and we got ourselves and the girls ready to head to Granny and Paw Paw's for a Thanksgiving feast.
      Payton is finally back to her old self, and she absolutely chowed down. She ate all of her food plus 2 extra helpings of green beans and one extra helping of mashed potatoes. Then she finished it off with a piece of chocolate cake. I thought she might explode!
      Rylee Love ate a cornbread muffin and a peanut butter sandwich. One day she'll realize how much she's missing out, but until then, there's just more food for the rest of us! ;) After lunch, Rylee Love, Jenna, and Payton played and played while the adults talked and digested. It's always good to spend time with fmaily and it was funy to watch thsoe sweet girls have a blast together.
     When we got home, Ryan got ready to go "black Friday" (on Thursday) shopping with his parents, and I watched movies with these two cuddle bugs! I have loved spending all my time with them this week. I hate feeling like I'm missing out on time with them when things are crazy with school. I definitely have cherished every snuggle this week, and especially today! Plus, you could not pay me to go out shopping tonight with all the crazies, but Ryan likes going with his parents and seeing the madness, and I definitely don't mind him going out and getting us some good deals when he can. 
     It has been a perfect Thanksgiving. I am thankful for so much: my Savior, my precious girls, my husband, my family and family in law, my career, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table, my car, and just everything, even the bad stuff. Everything in life shapes us according to God's plan if we allow Him to let His will be done in ours lives. I am thankful that my life is not my own, so I can trust that all things are working together for His good. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

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