Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, March 5, 2015

We Got Our Snow!

    Well, we got our snow! We woke up this morning to 6 inches of the stuff, and the girls were THRILLED! As soon as they woke up, we went out to play in it. Payton enjoyed trying to run around in it, while Rylee made snow angels and painted in it and made a snow volcano. It was too dry and powdery to make a snowman, so we went in to let it melt a little before attempting that.

     The girls got their first try of ht cocoa while we watched frozen and enjoyed the morning together. Then Rylee played indoors while Payton napped and Ryan finally got out of bed. He hasn't been feeling well, so he was glad for a snow day to catch up on rest.
     After Payton's nap, we headed out again and we made our family in snow people! It was so much fun!
   The girls were so happy that daddy was able to join us in the fun. Today has been a perfect day, and we get to be off again tomorrow, so yay for an extra long weekend together! :)

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