Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Half Birthday

      Payton Joy is 18 Months old today!! She is officially one and a half years old! I cannot believe how quickly she is growing up. She doesn't have her 18 month physical until mid April due to scheduling conflicts, so I will post more about her growth and development once she has her check up.
    We decided to have a mini party to celebrate her half birthday today. Last night, Rylee helped me make a cake and today we had Bailey and Kaden over after school to play and celebrate with us. Liz and Mary arrived around 5 and joined the fun. IT was perfect timing, so they could watch the kids while I cooked pizza quesadillas and pizza rollers. Both were a big hit, but I think I like the rollers and little more than the quesadillas.
      After dinner, we put 1 1/2 candles on the cake and sang to sweet baby Payton. It won't be much longer before she won't be "baby Payton" anymore, and that makes me so sad. Why do they insist on growing up so quickly?!
    I love you to the moon and back, Payton Joy! I'm glad we got a little time today to celebrate your life and how much you mean to all of us. I cannot imagine my life without your big smile and even bigger personality. Happy half birthday, my Joy!

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