Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Break 2015

     Our Spring Break didn't start off too great. Friday, just as I was leaving work, I got the call that Payton's temp was over 103. She had had  a little bit of a runny nose and a low grade temp the day before, but I was hoping it wouldn't amount to anything. We don't ever get that lucky. I rushed to take her to Dyersburg to see Dr. Melton before their office closed for the weekend, and it turns out she had a severe sinus infection. They gave her a dose of tylenol when we arrived, but her temp climbed the entire time we were there, and they were concerned for her so they gave her a dose of motrin once it reached 104 and within a half hour it was down a full degree to 102.9, so they gave her a sinus cocktail shot and a prescription for antibiotics and let us go home.  Saturday morning, she woke up grumpy but her fever was down, so we decided to go to breakfast at iHop and do some shopping. We got her a new Minnie Mouse nightgown, and as soon as we got home, she put it on and she was a brand new girl. Minnie fixes everything!

    Sunday morning, we went to church. The weather was absolutely beautiful, so the girls and I spent the entire afternoon outside. Then Monday, the weather was similar, so we spent another day enjoying the sunshine. I worked on some housework and got some sewing done as well. I love Spring Break! 

     Tuesday, we went to The Children's Museum of MEmphis with Liz and Kaden. Our kids were decked out in green for St. Patrick's Day; no one wants to get pinched! ;)

     We had such a good time at the Children's Museum. Payton got to do so much. I was afraid she'd be too small for a lot of it, but she really wasn't. They learned a lot and had so much fun doing it. I'm glad we've made this an annual tradition!
     Wednesday, Kaden came and spent the day with us. Rylee and Kaden had a blast playing together. Liz and Brandon headed to Memphis for an early birthday lunch for her and to head to the doctor because..... LIZ IS PREGNANT!!! I am so excited to be an aunt again and have another precious baby to love on and spoil rotten! Kaden is going to be an amazing big brother. He is already so excited! After they picked him up, I got my report cards done for next week. That is the only school work I brought home this break and I was glad to only spend 1 afternoon on school work this break!
    Thursday was Liz's 30th birthday, so I brought her over some lunch and we had a little picnic in her living room floor. That was a lot of fun! Then she kept Payton for the afternoon and Rylee and I headed to get our hair done.

     Last Tuesday, Rylee had a substitute at school, and decided to pull a fast one on her and give herself a hair cut. She cut the front of her hair pretty short, and it couldn't deal with it being short in the front and long in the back any longer,s o we went to get it evened out. I cried and cried over it, but it really isn't that big of a deal. She looks absolutely adorable with her new haircut. I think it just made me sad because she looks so much more grown up now. Where did my baby go?!

     After we got our hair done, we headed back to Liz and Brandon's for dinner. Brandon made chicken nachos and the kids decorated the house and made Liz a cake. We laughed and played and sang happy birthday. I think everyone had a really good time.
      Friday, Nonna took Rylee out to the Movies to see Cinderella and the Frozen Fever short movie. Rylee was so excited about her special day and she had a blast. I spent some quality time with Payton Joy,  then when she napped, I got the house back in order and did some more sewing. Have I mentioned I love Spring break?!
    Yesterday, Mary had a little party for her upcoming wedding. While I was gone, Ryan and his dad worked on his lawn mower while Nonna took Payton shopping for some one on one time. Both of these girl love their Nonna so and thoroughly enjoyed their one on one time this week. This morning we went to church, and now we are enjoying our Sunday afternoon together. It has been such a great week off, I'm sad to go back to the really world tomorrow. Only 9 more weeks until Summer Break! ;)

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