Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Payton's Check Up

     Payton had a check up yesterday as well. She was 28 lbs (75th percentile) and 33 inches (50th percentile). Her height and weight are following a perfect growth curve. However her head expanded by another full centimeter. It is not following a typical growth curve. Even from birth she has always had a large head, but it has been off the chart since she was 9 months old,  and it the last 6 months her head growth has trended at an angle that is significantly above the normal rate of growth. Dr. Melton has become concerned about the possibility of hydrocephalus. She is being referred to a Pediatric Neurosurgeon in Memphis. I am very nervous about this, but I am so ready to go to the specialist and find out what is going on. Dr. Melton said there is still a chance she just has a large head due to genetics and there is no other problem, but he'd rather her get checked out and be safe than for her not to go and there actually be something wrong.
     Rylee Love is 3 years and 3 months older than Payt, and you can see here that their heads are about the same size (Payt's is actually a little bit larger), even though her face is much smaller than her sister's. This is what is causing the concern. The good news is she has absolutely no developmental delays, so Dr Melton seems to think even if there is something going on, it's nothing too serious.
     She is still one of the most beautiful girls in the world to me and I am praying that there is nothing wrong. I do not want her to have to go through brain surgery or anything like that. I am even more scared of the possible causes especially the thought of a tumor. I keep telling myself her development is on track so the odds of something like that are slim, but it is really easy to be anxious about all this until we see the specialist and find out what is really going on. Please pray for my precious baby. I cannot imagine my world without her huge smile and even bigger personality. She is such a sweet, smart girl. She knows her name, can count to 12, knows her colors, is learning her letters. She can walk and run and dance and play. It just really doesn't seem like there is anything wrong.

5 Year Check Up

      Yesterday, Rylee Love had her 5 Year physical. She is officially ready for kindergarten. I thought she needed more shots, so I had prepared her for the possibility, but she was all smiles when Nurse Bobbi told her she was up to date and wouldn't need anymore shots until she is in middle school! She weighed in at 33 lbs and is 42 inches (3 feet, 6 inches) tall. She grew 1 inch and gained only 1 lb since her 4 year physical, but there are no worries there. She is my little bit.
     Rylee Love is the bets big sister ever. She is so sweet to Payt, it just melts my heart. She is always lookign out for her and she would do anything to make her issy smile. I just love their sweet bond so, and I am proud of Rylee for being such a compassionate big sister.
      She is such a happy girl. She may only be 5, but she has REALLY struggled with situational and social anxiety throughout her little life thus far, but lately she has impressed me with how much she has matured and grown out of a lot of her old ways. She still gets anxious about certain things, but that is not a flaw, it is just something that makes her, her. I am so proud of ehr and how she copes with her feelings. People don't understand what anxiety is really like, but I am so very proud at how well she has learned to deal with hers at such a young age.
     Oh, Rylee Love, you will never know how much you mean to me until (God-willing) you become a mother one day. No matter how big you get, you will always be my baby! I love you so stinkin' much and that will never, ever change!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

     This year father's day fell on Rylee Love's birthday, so I was one busy mama trying to spoil both of them!
    The girls were so proud to bring Ryan his Father's Day gifts. He got a shirt that says Dads Against Daughters Dating and a picture that the girls made that says "Daddy is our super hero." Rylee also filled out a questionnaire about her daddy. It was so precious.
   Both girls took a long nap after church, so we were able to lay down and watch a movie together, and I think that was the best Father's Day gift of all. A little time to relax after such a crazy week!

Rylee Love is 5!

    We started out our birthday celebration with her cousins at Cosmic Bounce on Thursday night. The kids were so excited that they were glowing and they bounced and bounced for nearly 3 hours! It was so much fun!
     Saturday was her birthday party. She wanted a princess Peach party, so I ended up makign most of her decorations, so she could have what she wanted!
    We ate pizza with all her friends.
     Played Mario on the Wii.
    And even had a "Yoshi Egg" hunt.
     And of course we had to have cupcakes! Rylee Love doesn't like the birthday song, so we didn't sing, but she blew out her candle like a pro! :)
     And she really enjoyed her cupcake! No frosting of course for my picky child! But plenty of SASS!
    Then it was present time! She had lots of help opening her gifts!
      Uncle Brandon built her a dress up station!!!! She LOVES it!!!
     Due to a misunderstanding concerning the time of the party, Lexie missed the party and arrived just as it was ending, so Lexie and Rylee Love came up with a plan: Rylee Love's very first slumber party!
    We had pancakes for her birthday breakfast!
    Then we got ready for church!
     After church, Rylee Love decided she wanted a nap. When she woke up from her nap, she asked for blueberry muffins, so of course I made her some!
     Then she opened her present from her mama and daddy and sissy. She is so spoiled!
     I think these girls will be very busy this week playing with all the new toys!

Friday, June 19, 2015

We LOVE Summer Break!

    We have been having an absolute blast this summer. Our first week of summer break, we spent a lot of time at home, we played with chalk, and made homemade slime, and spent lots of time playing together.

     We discovered a fun place to play in Dyersburg called Bounce With Us. Rylee Love would live there if she could. It's a great place to go on a rainy day so the kids can get out all their extra energy.

      We visited the Atoka Splash Pad. IT's a sprinkler park that is free to go and enjoy. It's a great way to stay cool and the kids LOVE it.
    We've been to Chuck E Cheese. We usually only go for special occasions so it was fun to go "just because." Rylee Love and Ryan had so much fun playing all the games. Payton like the little rides the best.
    We have spent lots of time in our kiddie pool and sprinklers. We are hoping Granddaddy opens his pool soon so we can really swim.
    We went to a birthday party at the Ripley water park and every child was given a wooden sword! It was so funny.
    Aunt Mel and Austin and Callie came to visit!!! We went over Nonna and Granddaddy's and the kids loved getting ride on the fourwheeler. They got tired of taking turns, so everyone piled on at once! haha!
    They also did some swimming in Nonna's kiddie pool, but all the kiddos agreed they'd rather swim in the big pool. ;)
     We went to Chickasaw and visited with grandma and grandpa! The kids played and played then swam and swam and finished the day by making s'mores!
   My favorite part about being a mommy is being able to act like a kid again! ;)
      And these 2 princesses have grown closer than ever. It is going to be really hard on them to go their separate ways come August!