Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rylee Love is 5!

    We started out our birthday celebration with her cousins at Cosmic Bounce on Thursday night. The kids were so excited that they were glowing and they bounced and bounced for nearly 3 hours! It was so much fun!
     Saturday was her birthday party. She wanted a princess Peach party, so I ended up makign most of her decorations, so she could have what she wanted!
    We ate pizza with all her friends.
     Played Mario on the Wii.
    And even had a "Yoshi Egg" hunt.
     And of course we had to have cupcakes! Rylee Love doesn't like the birthday song, so we didn't sing, but she blew out her candle like a pro! :)
     And she really enjoyed her cupcake! No frosting of course for my picky child! But plenty of SASS!
    Then it was present time! She had lots of help opening her gifts!
      Uncle Brandon built her a dress up station!!!! She LOVES it!!!
     Due to a misunderstanding concerning the time of the party, Lexie missed the party and arrived just as it was ending, so Lexie and Rylee Love came up with a plan: Rylee Love's very first slumber party!
    We had pancakes for her birthday breakfast!
    Then we got ready for church!
     After church, Rylee Love decided she wanted a nap. When she woke up from her nap, she asked for blueberry muffins, so of course I made her some!
     Then she opened her present from her mama and daddy and sissy. She is so spoiled!
     I think these girls will be very busy this week playing with all the new toys!

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