Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 19, 2015

We LOVE Summer Break!

    We have been having an absolute blast this summer. Our first week of summer break, we spent a lot of time at home, we played with chalk, and made homemade slime, and spent lots of time playing together.

     We discovered a fun place to play in Dyersburg called Bounce With Us. Rylee Love would live there if she could. It's a great place to go on a rainy day so the kids can get out all their extra energy.

      We visited the Atoka Splash Pad. IT's a sprinkler park that is free to go and enjoy. It's a great way to stay cool and the kids LOVE it.
    We've been to Chuck E Cheese. We usually only go for special occasions so it was fun to go "just because." Rylee Love and Ryan had so much fun playing all the games. Payton like the little rides the best.
    We have spent lots of time in our kiddie pool and sprinklers. We are hoping Granddaddy opens his pool soon so we can really swim.
    We went to a birthday party at the Ripley water park and every child was given a wooden sword! It was so funny.
    Aunt Mel and Austin and Callie came to visit!!! We went over Nonna and Granddaddy's and the kids loved getting ride on the fourwheeler. They got tired of taking turns, so everyone piled on at once! haha!
    They also did some swimming in Nonna's kiddie pool, but all the kiddos agreed they'd rather swim in the big pool. ;)
     We went to Chickasaw and visited with grandma and grandpa! The kids played and played then swam and swam and finished the day by making s'mores!
   My favorite part about being a mommy is being able to act like a kid again! ;)
      And these 2 princesses have grown closer than ever. It is going to be really hard on them to go their separate ways come August!

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