Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 Year Check Up

      Yesterday, Rylee Love had her 5 Year physical. She is officially ready for kindergarten. I thought she needed more shots, so I had prepared her for the possibility, but she was all smiles when Nurse Bobbi told her she was up to date and wouldn't need anymore shots until she is in middle school! She weighed in at 33 lbs and is 42 inches (3 feet, 6 inches) tall. She grew 1 inch and gained only 1 lb since her 4 year physical, but there are no worries there. She is my little bit.
     Rylee Love is the bets big sister ever. She is so sweet to Payt, it just melts my heart. She is always lookign out for her and she would do anything to make her issy smile. I just love their sweet bond so, and I am proud of Rylee for being such a compassionate big sister.
      She is such a happy girl. She may only be 5, but she has REALLY struggled with situational and social anxiety throughout her little life thus far, but lately she has impressed me with how much she has matured and grown out of a lot of her old ways. She still gets anxious about certain things, but that is not a flaw, it is just something that makes her, her. I am so proud of ehr and how she copes with her feelings. People don't understand what anxiety is really like, but I am so very proud at how well she has learned to deal with hers at such a young age.
     Oh, Rylee Love, you will never know how much you mean to me until (God-willing) you become a mother one day. No matter how big you get, you will always be my baby! I love you so stinkin' much and that will never, ever change!

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