Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, July 10, 2015

Casting Crowns & Payton Dr. Update

     Last night, Liz and I had a girls night! We went to Jackson and did a little shopping, had dinner at Olive Garden, then headed to the Casting Crowns concert.
   The concert was awesome! I love their music, but it was a million times better live. Liz and I ended up sponsoring children through Compassion. I found a child with the exact same birthdate as Rylee Love. I can't wait until we get more into that and Rylee Love can get to know her new friend through letters.

   Today was Payt's big Dr. appointment with Dr. Klimo. I was soo nervous. We got there and waited nearly 2 hours. When they called us back, we reviewed her growth chart, then started talking about other symptoms. Dr. Klimo said she should be having lots of other symptoms if she did have hydrocephalus. He talked to her some, tested her reflexes, checked her over from head to toe, then sent us away with a clean bill of health. He said she is perfect! I am so, so happy! When we got back, we went out to dinner with Liz, Brandon, and Kade to celebrate.

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