Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Break has come to a End

     On Saturday, July 18, I hosted a shower for Liz and baby Levi. It turned out great. We had it at a local restaurant, and the food was good. Baby Levi got lots of great stuff! And it seemed like everyone had a good time. I would call that a success!
    On Monday, Rylee Love had a dental appointment. She got her teeth cleaned and got her first set of x-rays. They said her permanent teeth are coming in great and her teeth look fantastic. After the appointment, we had lunch, then spontaneously went to the movies. I wanted to enjoy every minute I could with the girls as summer came to an end, so it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon.
    Tuesday I went and registered Rylee Love at our new school. It was such a hard decision to leave RPS, but I know the MES is going to be a perfect fit! Rylee Love was a little apprehensive about starting a new school, but now she has warmed up to the idea. After we registered her, we went school supply shopping. She had a blast picking out all her new supplies!
     Wednesday was the first day I got to see my new classroom, so Liz and Brandon kept the kids for a "cousin day." The had so much fun. The girls were WORN OUT by the time I picked them up.
    Saturday we went swimming. It was a lot of fun. we had a small scare at one point when Kaden removed his floaties and ended up going under, but Rylee and Ryan worked together and got him up before any harm was done. So scary!
  I had new Teacher orientation this week with Tipton County, so I have missed these sweet girls. I was off today, so I took them for one last trip to Bounce With Us before school starts back full time next Monday. It was fun, but we didn't stay long because Rylee Love has some sinus drainage and jumping was making her head hurt.
    I have had so much fun with these silly girls this summer. I am so excited about my new adventure at Munford Elementary, but it's still hard to leave these sweet faces each day. Rylee Love starts kindergarten on August 12, and I just can't believe how quickly she has grown. I will be glad once she starts because her class is only 3 doors down from mine. It will brighten my days to know she is so near to me!

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