Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Payton Joy is 2!

    Payton Joy turned 2 on Friday! I cannot believe it. I would say she had a wonderful birthday. She started out her day with her daddy getting her her favorite breakfast: McDonald's hotcakes and sausage. Then she got to have a cupcake party with all her "school" friends. It was a huge mess, but they all loved it.
    For dinner she got her favorite chicken nuggets from Burger King. She ate all of hers and most of Rylee's, too! She doesn't usually get fast food any more than a couple of time a month, so for her to get it twice in one day, she was in hog heaven!
    After dinner, she got to open her presents from mommy, daddy, and Rylee. Everything she got was minnie mouse themed, and she could not have been happier.
    Then we sang Happy Birthday to her and she got to eat her second cupcake of the day! After bath she played and played with her new gifts until she couldn't stay awake one minute longer. She was exhausted from all that fun and needed to rest up for Saturday: party day!
     Saturday she had a Minnie Mouse birthday party with all her friends and family.
    She cheered when Hunter arrived and cried when it was time for him to go. It's so sweet how she already has made a little best friend. He was very helpful when it was time to open presents. ;)
    Being the opposite of her sister, she loved all the attention and soaked up every minute of everyone singing to her. She didn't eat much of her cupcake. I think she had enough after having 2 the day before. Then she spent the entire evening playing with Aunt Liz. They have such a strong bond. I know she is going to be soooo jealous when Levi gets here, but she's also going to love him to pieces!
     Alright, Payton Joy. You are no longer a baby, can you stop growing up so quickly on me now?! I want to soak up every minute with you! You have such a fun, electric personality. I can't imagine our lives without you in it! 2 was my absolute favorite age with Rylee Love, but she wouldn't stay 2 forever like she promised. Will you?!

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