Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Baby Levi is Here!

    Baby Levi arrived on October 1, 2015, at 11:35 am weighing 6 lbs, 14 oz and 20 inches long. A week ago, Liz started noticing some weird symptoms, she was swelling excessively and had a headache and just didn't feel good. Her mother-in-law came and checked her blood pressure and sure enough it was high. Monday, she ended up in the hospital, but after monitoring her closely, they sent her home and put her on bedrest to try to let Levi cook a little longer. Wednesday, her blood pressure went up even higher, so the Dr. decided to induce. They began the pitocin at 3:30pm, and broke her water at 4:45pm. Levi took 20 hours to finally make his appearance, but he was certainly worth the wait.

    I spent the night at the hospital with Liz and Brandon and Brandon's mom waiting on Levi to come, and we all were able to be in the room when he decided to arrive. It is such a powerful experience. There is no greater evidence of a wise and powerful Creator than childbirth. Ryan had Kaden, Rylee, and Payton at our house, and once Levi made his arrival, he headed to the hospital so the girls could meet their new cousin and Kaden could meet his little brother.

     They are all so in love with baby Levi. He is going to be one spoiled, and well protected little guy! We all love him so much!
    After spending Wednesday night and Thursday night at our house, KAden was not ready to leave on Friday until he realized that baby Levi was going to going home with him. It is so sweet how excited he is to be a big brother. Levi got to stop by our house for a minute to pick up big brother, then yesterday we spent most of the day over at their house loving on him. Today we stopped by for a little bit after church. We just can't stay away from the little cuteness!
     Friday after work, I got my hair cut, and I feel like a whole new person! Lol. This afternoon and I spending some time with my 2 favorite girls, with all the focus on the new baby, I have missed my 2 babies (and yes they will always be my babies no matter how big they get!).

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