Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2 Year Check Up

     Payton Joy at her 2 Year Check Up today. She was 28.5 lbs (75th percentile) and 34 inches tall (75th percentile) She has started to get tall like her sissy was. Her head was still off the growth chart, but it appears to be leveling off some. Luckily, since she has no other symptoms, we know that she is perfectly healthy. And she is really stinkin' cute, too.
      I took both girls to the Dr. so they could get their flu vaccines while Payt got her check-up. Rylee got the nasal mist, but Payt had to get the shot since she has had to have some breathing treatments in the past year. I hope we have better luck this flu season than last year! After we left the Dr, we headed to Chikfila for lunch and play time.
      Payton Joy is growing up so quickly. She is wearing size 6-7 shoes and size 2t-3t clothes. She wears pull ups during the day and diapers at night. She is getting REALLY good at potty training, yesterday she wanted to wear big girls panties and wore them the whole day without any accidents. She asks to go potty all the time. I feel like once we have our 2 weeks of Christmas break at home, she will be trained, but I won't be upset if she isn't. It took Rylee Love until she was 2 and a half to be completely trained. Payt won't be 2 and a half until this spring.
       This girl has more personality in her tiny body that seems possible. She is so full of life and energy. She is so silly and smart. She has an amazing vocabulary and talks so well for a 2 year old. She tries to understand everything around her and asks lots of questions. It's really like she's a grown up trapped in a 2 year old's body.
       And she's also one of the most precious gifts God's ever given me. I could watch her sleep for hours. She is so sweet and lovable. I hug her and kiss her a million times a day, but it will never be too much. We are working on taking the paci away, but she loves it so much and it's hard to see her upset.  I tried to take it away completely and she spent nearly the whole day crying and inconsolable, and I just couldn't do that to her. We have all her pacis up high in a cupboard now, and I only let her have one when she's getting into bed. Baby steps....

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