Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fall Break 2015

     It has been a fabulous Fall Break! We started it off Saturday at Liz and Brandon's Uncle Ben came down to meet Baby Levi. Then Liz and Brandon had to take Levi to the Dr. to get his jaundice levels checked, so Kaden came and played at our house for a while. Then we headed back over for a pizza night. It was a lot of fun, especially getting lots of Levi snuggles.

     Sunday, Ryan, the girls, Nonna, Granddaddy, and I headed to Donnell Century Farms in Jackson. It was so much fun. We went on a hay ride. The girls slid down a giant tube slide, played in corn boxes, and rode on a cow train. We went through a corn maze, watched pig races, saw farm animal, and s much more. It was just an absolute blast.
   The girls' favorite part was picking out their pumpkins. Payt fell asleep holding hers on the way home. It was too precious.
     Monday, I caught up on housework, then took the girls outside to paint their pumpkins. They were both so meticulous in getting their pumpkins to look exactly how they wanted them. It was a lot of fun.
     Tuesday, I took the girls to the Dr for Payt's 2 year check up and for the girls to get their flu vaccines. After we left the Dr, we went to Chikfila to eat and play. After we brought daddy some lunch at work, we headed to Aunt Liz's house to snuggle Levi and play with Kaden.
    Wednesday, I tried my hand at photography to try to get some Fall pictures of the girls. They turned out okay, but I think I'll leave all future photography endeavors to Liz. She just does it so much better...
     Thursday, I had to go to the eye Dr, so the girls spent the morning at Granny and Paw Paw's, then we went to lunch with Liz, Kaden, and Levi. Then Kaden came over to play for a while while Liz took Levi for a check-up.
     Friday, we went to Memphis to LeBonheur Zoo Boo. It was so much fun. The girls were able to trick or treat, watch a magic show, ride rides, and see some animals. The whole Zoo was decorated for Halloween and lit up in spooky lights. The girls absolutely loved it.
    We don't have any plans for this weekend, and I kind of like that. It's a nice way to wrap up Fall Break, by just spending some time as a family at home. I have had such an amazing Fall Break, and I am glad for the extra time. I have gotten so much embroidery done. Here are a few of my favorites! I've been doing Embroidery as a side business for about 6 months now, and I really enjoy it. You can check it out at

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