Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

     Saturday morning Ryan took me and the girls out to brunch at iHop. I like this tradition on the Saturday before Mother's Day. Nothing makes me happier than delicious food! :)
    Saturday evening we had a cookout at Nonna and Granddaddy's house. The kids had a picnic. Mel and her babies were able to visit for the first time since she and Josh filed for divorce. They have been going through a lot lately, ad it's hard not be able to see her and those sweet babies during such a dark time in their lives. It was so good to spend time laughing and making good memories.
     They spent most of the night on the fourwheeler.
    The kids (and adults) never wanted to get off.
     They rode around and around.
   There was more laughter than I'd heard in a while. It was so much fun.
    Sunday morning we headed to church. There was no one in my Sunday School class except for my 2 girls, so I let them play on the playground at church until the worship service began.
   When we got home from church, Ryan wasn't feeling well so he took a nap and the girls and I had fun in the sun. It was a gorgeous day.
      Being their mother is my absolute favorite thing. Due to recent events in my family, I've had to cut my parents from my life to free myself from the constant negativity and hurt. So this was my first "motherless" Mother's Day. It was a very hard decision, but I know it was God who led me to the final decision and gave me peace about cutting ties for now. I can't imagine ever treating my girls the way my parents have treated me and my siblings, but I know better than to compare myself to them. I hope one day they will realize their mistakes and there can be sincere apologies and reconciliation, but only time will tell. All I can do is be the best mother I can be and make sure the cycle does not continue with me.

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