Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Rylee's 2nd Piano Recital

      Today was Rylee Love's second piano recital. She played Scotland Bells and did an absolutely amazing job. I am so impressed at how well she is doing in piano at only 5 years old.
     Granny, Paw Paw, Emmy, Liz, and KAden came to see her perform. Everyone thought she did an excellent job.
     She has the absolute best piano teacher. Ms. Rachel is so patient with Rylee and has taught her so much in 2 short years!
    We have had a very busy weekend. Yesterday we went to Knox's 3rd birthday party. The kids had a blast playing at the park and were so excited when the ice cream truck showed up at the end.
   Then after church this morning, then Rylee's piano recital, we changed clothes and headed to Munford to Makaylah's birthday party in Munford. We had a lot of fun skating. Rylee even convinced me to skate with her and all her friends.

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