Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rylee Love, Kindergarten Graduate

     Watch out first grade, here comes Rylee Love! I cannot believe she is already a kindergarten graduate. Where does the time go?! This school year has flown by! It seems like we were just beginning our journey at MES, and now we already have 1 year under our belts.

     The graduation was absolutely adorable. The kids sang and danced, there was a picture slideshow, then they were given their diplomas.
    After the graduation there was a reception in her classroom. We were given a memory book and dvd of the slideshow and enjoyed cookies and juice as the kindergarten friends said goodbye for the summer.
     Ryan has been working 2nd shift this week, so he was able to come and bring Payton Joy to watch Rylee graduate. Payton was so proud of her big sister.

    We had a half day at school today, so after school was out I took Rylee to Applebee's to celebrate her graduation. Then we ran to Walmart to get the last few things we need for our beach trip in a few days.
   AND.. Kaden graduated Preschool on Tuesday night. I can't believe he is heading to kindergarten. I really wish time would slow down!! I know he is going to rock kindergarten. He is such a smarty pants already, he will be teaching the class before long! :)

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