Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, October 7, 2016

Levi and Callie's B-days!

   Levi's party came first. He had his party on his birthday last Saturday. It was such a beautiful day! He had a little monster themed party and all the decorations were so stinkin' cute. First birthdays are a pretty big deal, and I can't believe it has already been a year since this little man graced our lives with his presence. He has such a strong personality. He definitely knows what he likes and what he doesn't. I think that is a great quality to have.
     One thing he knows that he likes is cake! That boy tore it up! It was so cute. He hasn't ever had sweets before and now his eyes have been opened to a whole new world! Haha! He had such a good party. The kids played, ate cake, helped LEvi open presents, then played some more. It was awesome! Happy Birthday, Levi Scott!
     Even though Callie and Levi share the same birthday (exactly 1 year apart), Callie was with her dad last weekend so we had her party tonight! It was so much fun. These 4 cousins were so excited to be reunited. They haven't seen each since the 4th of July.
     Callie had such a good time. We ate hamburgers and hotdogs, ate cake, then Callie opened her presents with the help of her cousins. They had so much fun. I am so glad we were able to celebrate with sweet Callie! Happy Birthday, princess!
    A big moment tonight was when it was time to sing Happy Birthday to Callie. Rylee Love stayed in the room and even sang along. This is huge for a girl who has been afraid of the Happy Birthday song for as long as I can remember. I am so proud!

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