Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fall Break 2016 is in the Books!

    Well, Fall Break has come to an end, but we made the most of it. We got a lot accomplished this week, and most importantly I got LOTS of good, quality time with my girls.
     Tuesday, we took the girls to the Doctor. It was time for Payton Joy's yearly physical and then both girls got flu shots. Payton was so brave, she didn't even flinch. Rylee had quite the meltdown, but that has come to be expected. After the doctor, we went to Chikfila and the girls ate and played their hearts out. Then we went back to Ripley and all 3 of us got our hair trimmed. Then we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream to celebrate.  It was such a good day minus the flu shots-ha!
     Wednesday morning we slept in. Then when we got up, we spent the morning painting our pumpkins that we picked up at the pumpkin patch last weekend. Then the girls and I played outside for a while and I just soaked in every minute. It was a lot of fun.
    Wednesday afternoon, we went back to Dyersburg this time for a dentist visit. The girls love the dentist and both girls were very brave. I got tons of compliments. The tech that took Payton's dental xrays was so impressed with her. She said she doesn't see many 3 year olds who behave as well and she did. I was so proud. After their appointment we had to stay and let them play in the waiting area for a little while because they called us right back when we got their and the girls were disappointed they didn't get a chance to play. I don't blame them. They have the most fun waiting area there.
     Thursday evening we went out to dinner then to Bounce With Us. Mary, Bailey, Liz, Brandon, Kaden, and Levi came, too. It was so much fun! The kids love this place. It's the perfect place to get their energy out.
      Most of the day Monday and Friday and some in between I was working on my little embroidery and vinyl business: Love, Joy, and Designs. These are some of my favorites that I did this week, but I did A LOT. I love the creative outlet it provides me and I'm excited to be able to put the money I make into savings to hopefully go towards buying us a home one day.
    I have had a blast this week with these 2 cuties. And since Ryan has been on 2nd shift since the beginning of September, the kids and I actually got to see him some this week. It was good to have this time together! I absolutely love teaching, and I'm excited to see my babies tomorrow! I also love that teaching provides these little breaks where I can be "just a mom." There is no more challenging or more rewarding job than that one... :)

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