Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Rylee's Loose Tooth

     Rylee Love lost her first baby tooth tonight! I guess it is time to accept she's not a baby anymore! It has been loose for a while, but she has been very nervous about pulling it. This afternoon it started bothering her and it was to the point she didn't want to eat anything except for yogurt, so I knew it had to go. She was nervous, but she let me do it and it was so loose that she couldn't even tell when I pulled it out. She was so excited when I showed her it was gone! Of course, my girl didn't want money for her tooth, so she got a game for her 3DS instead. But only because this was the first one. She already knows form now on she's getting a dollar! This tooth fairy is not rich! Haha!

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