Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bailey is 7!

     Well... I thought we would be good as new soon, but after only being off antibiotics for 2 days, I picked Rylee up from school Friday to discover she was running fever and coughing like crazy! Poor kid! I took her straight to Urgent Care and the doctor determined she most likely has antibiotic resistant strep, so he gave her a stronger antibiotic and sent us on our way. I really hope this works and she gets better soon!
    Yesterday, we celebrated Bailey's 7th birthday. She got a trampoline for her birthday, and the kids loved trying it out. They jumped, then played on the swings, and just had a blast. Because all of our lives have just gotten busier and busier, the cousins don't get to see each other as much as they used to, but they have so much fun when they are together.
      Bailey had a ball opening presents, eating cake, and bashing the pinata. It was a really fun party! I can't believe my Bailey'girl is 7! It doesn't seem right... That means Rylee Love will be 7 soon. Man! Time sure does fly!
     After the party, we headed to Nonna and Granddaddy's because Mel, Austin, and Callie had come to town for a quick visit. Unfortunately, Rylee was worn out from Bailey's party and from not feeling well, and she didn't interact much with them at all, but Payton Joy had an absolute blast playing and being silly with her cousins. We went out to dinner, but Rylee was fading fast. She didn't eat much of anything and spent the whole dinner coughing, so we had to head home afterwards instead of spending more time together. I can't wait until my big girl is feeling like herself again. It seem like she has been sick constantly since December. It was like this with her last winter, too. We are so ready for summer and no more sickies!

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