Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, February 18, 2017

First Grade Field Trip Fun

      Yesterday, I took a personal day off from work to spend the day with Rylee Love and her class at the Fire Museum of Memphis. The Museum was great, there was a lot to see and a lot for the kids to do. Rylee loved the play area. There were games, pretend fire trucks they could climb in, a pole to slide down, and dress up.
     Unfortunately, it seemed like the staff was rushing us through all the exhibits, so it was kinda hard to enjoy everything, and there were some parts of the museum we didn't even get to go into. So after being rushed from exhibit to exhibit, the kids got to play for a short time, then we rushed up into the room upstairs where we were going to eat lunch. Only there was still over an hour before lunch was scheduled to arrive, so the teachers had to act fast and try to entertain the students.
     All this rushing around and then not being able to play for very long, left Rylee Love frustrated. She got very close to having a meltdown and even tried to run away from the group at one point. I think she was just over stimulated and looking for solitude. But using some sensory items I had brought in her backpack, she was able to keep hr cool for the most part and at least we didn't have a full-on screaming, crying meltdown in a museum full of people. Even though, the pace of tour was too fast, and we had a rough ending to the trip, it was a lot of fun in the beginning and while we were seeing everything. I really enjoyed the museum itself. After Rylee Love napped all the way back to school, she was feeling better, too. And we made it home in time to see Ryan before he headed to work last night, so that was a major plus. Today we have had a lazy day, and it was exactly what we needed. I am glad this is a 3-day weekend! And I am so thankful for time to relax with those I love the most!

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