Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rylee's Tonsilectomy

      Last Tuesday, we went to the Perfect Cut to have Rylee Love's summer color put in. She chose teal and was so excited to how it turned out. I knew she was nervous about her surgery, so I thought scheduling this appointment the day before her surgery would help keep her mind off it, and it really worked. I can't get over how cute it turned out!
      Early Wednesday morning, we headed to Jackson to the surgery center to get the process started. They gave her something to calm her nerves, and boy did it work. She was so silly. It was cute, and it helped to calm our nerves some, too.
      She had her tonsils and adenoids removed. When she woke from anesthesia, the nurses said she was very disoriented and got a little crazy, so they sedated her. She slept on and off most of the time in recovery, but they asked us to wake her every 15 minutes to try to get her to drink. That was terrible. She cried and cried. Once she finally woke up some, she wanted to watch tv, so we watched How to Train Your Dragon. She was so into it, it helped keep her mind off of the pain somewhat.
    Bro. Ryan came to check on her and pray with us and his little Rylee sent this beautiful picture with him for our Rylee. She actually smiled when he showed it to her. It was so sweet! 
     Finally after being at the surgery center for over 8 hours, we were able to head home and pick up Payton. She had a sleepover with Nonna and Granddaddy Tuesday night and it was such a relief to know she was having a great time so we didn't have to worry about her and could just focus on Rylee throughout her surgery.
     Rylee's recovery at home was hard. There were a lot of tears from her and a lot of sleepless nights for me. It was incredibly difficult to convince her to drink or eat popsicles or do anything that would help keep her hydrated. I finally resorted to syringe feeding her pedialyte while she slept. It might sound crazy, but it kept her hydrated enough to avoid having to go back to the hospital for another iv.
      Finally, Wednesday morning she woke up and seemed to be in a better mood. She was drinking great and actually ate an entire gogurt. This was the first time she had eaten since her surgery! I was so excited. Then she asked her daddy to make peanut butter cookies for her to eat! It was like she was a new kid!
    Today it has been almost like the surgery never happened. She has been playing and eating and her little personality is finally shining through. I am a very happy mama today!
   She got better just in time, too. Because she has a birthday party coming up on Saturday!

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