Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, June 30, 2017

Summer Fun

      We have had a fun week enjoying our Summer break. Next week, we get possession of our new home and all the painting and cleaning and hard work will begin, so we made sure to really enjoy this week. Monday, the girls had a dentist appointment and they ran into Bailey while we were there. They love the dentist but they were even more excited to see Bailey! When we got home, we set up Rylee's new ant farm that she got for her birthday. She is in love with her "pet ants".
       Tuesday morning, Liz had a meeting at her school, so Levi and KAde came to play. The girls were thrilled to spend the morning playing with their cousins. And I was thrilled because this is the first time since he was a little baby, that Levi would willingly stay with me without his mama!
       After the boys left, the girls decided to get the slip-n-slide out. They played on it for hours while I cleaned out Ryan's car. They had a blast.
      Wednesday, we went to Atoka to the splash pad. This was the first time Ryan has come with us. Working second shift actually works out better during summer break because he gets to come do fun things with us!
     Yesterday we worked on cleaning and packing up the house some more. And today we have been pretty lazy. I absolutely love summer break!

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