Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Look Who's Walking!

      On Tuesday, November 8, 2011, sometime before noon, Rylee finally took off walking. Now she's a walking machine!!
      On Sunday evening, I was sitting in Rylee's room playing with her before bed and she stood up by her book shelf and just walked over to me and sat in my lap with a book. She took about 10 steps. But I couldn't get her to do it again. And she didn't try it again on Monday, so I considered it a fluke. Then yesterday, while I was completing my last set of field hours at Crestview, Rylee took off. Ryan said she was standing by her high chair eating some animal crackers then just started to take steps towards him and Melanie who just so happened to be visiting. Then she did it again and again and she walked several times yesterday. Ryan took 2 videos with his phone and sent them to me, and I couldn't believe how good she was at it! I was kinda sad that I missed it, but when I went to pick her up from Granny's after class last night she walked for me several times and I felt better once I saw it with my own eyes. I am kinda sad that my camera wasn't home, so I didn't get a good video of it until today, but day 2 is still a good memory. :)
      Rylee is 16.5 months old. She has been acting like she was ready to walk since her first birthday. I've been thinking it would be "any day now" for so long, that I kinda started to give up on that. I knew she would walk eventually; I just wasn't sure it would be anytime soon. I am so proud of her! Last night, I showed my entire class on Infant and Toddler Development the video that Ryan sent me of her walking over the projector in the classroom. I just love to brag about my big girl.

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