Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Restful Weekend

     We have had a wonderful weekend. Thursday I had field hours at Crestview during the morning, but when I got home, I stayed home. I did not go to class. I know it's bad, but it felt really good to spend some quality time with my buggy. We laid in bed, snuggled, and watched Veggietales together. It was absolutely wonderful and much-needed, I might add. On Friday, I had field hours at Crestview in the morning, but I don't have class on Friday nights, so Rylee and I went grocery shopping and then spent some more quality time together that night.
      Saturday, Ryan, Rylee, and I went to Dyersburg to do a little shopping and have lunch. Ryan and I got shirts to wear for our Christmas card photos that would look good with Rylee's dress that I got a while back. We walked around the mall a little while, Rylee played in the little rides they have, and then we got some lunch at Applebee's. After lunch, we went to Walmart and picked up some Christmas decorations. Can you tell I'm ready for the holiday's this year? I'm super excited about Christmas, because Rylee's older now and I think she'll get into it a bit more!
     Today, we got up and went to church. We haven't been going as regularly as we should lately, for a lot of different reasons, but since we had an extra hour of sleep last night, we woke up ready to go! Rylee looked precious (as always, in my opinion) in a cute fall jumper. She also went to the nursery for the first time today, and she did pretty well. I have been putting off putting her in the nursery for so long because she's never been with anyone but family, but I figured it was time for her to be introduced to something new. She was unsure about it and wanted the sweet nursery helper to hold her the entire time she was in there, but she didn't have a break down or anything, so I would say it went well. :)

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