Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving and a Sick Little Turkey

     Bright and early on Thanksgiving morning, Ryan, Rylee and I packed up and got into the car with Ryan's parents to head to Georgia to visit Ryan's mom's family. We were in the car for what seemed like ages, but when we got there, it was surely more than worth it! Thanksgiving dinner was ready and waiting for us when we got there, so we dove right in. It was yummy! In typical picky-eater fashion, Rylee only ate a piece of cornbread and a brownie. She doesn't know what she's missing! Maybe next year she'll actually eat some turkey on Thanksgiving! This year I am definitely thankful for my wonderful family: Ryan and Rylee mean the world to me. I am thankful for all the blessings God has placed in my life, all the opportunities available to me, and the way God's been moving in my life.
     After we had lunch, Uncle Phil asked us if we wanted to take Rylee on a golf cart ride, and we did. We took her down to the park, and Ryan, Rylee, Uncle Phil, and I had such a good time. Rylee swung on the swings for a while, and then she slid down the slide over and over again. She even slid down with us completely letting go of her which was a first. She had a lot of fun. When we got back to the house, Aunt Andrea and Ryan's cousin Alex had set up a bunch of toys for Rylee to play with while we stayed there. She was really excited to try out each and every one. She played and played until she wore herself out and had to be put to bed. Ryan's parents left to go stay with Ryan's Maw maw who is in poor health, and Ryan and I stayed at Uncle Phil's and Aunt Andrea's. We play Bezzerwizzer, and then Ryan and his cousin Paul went Black Friday shopping, and I worked on some homework and went to bed.
          Friday we had big plans to go do a movie marathon, but they got sidetracked. Rylee was not feeling very well. She woke up Tuesday morning with a runny nose, but I didn't think anything of it because she gets a runny nose about every other week due to teeth or weather changes or whatever. But Friday Rylee developed a fever and I began to worry about her because all she wanted to do was sleep. Our plans also got sidetracked because we were supposed to start the marathon early in the day, but Melanie and Josh didn't get there until late afternoon, and we got a late start. After giving Rylee some medicine to get her fever down, she was acting better, so we decided to go out to dinner. When we got there, she was miserable. She slept on mine or Ryan's shoulder throughout the entire meal. The poor thing was burning up. We decided to skip going to a movie altogether and just head home and rent one When we got home, I took Rylee's temp and it was 103! We put her in a lukewarm bath and gave her some medicine and decided to just put her to bed and see how she was in the morning before taking any further action. We went downstairs and watched Captain America with the family and enjoyed the movie as much as we could.
     On Saturday morning Rylee woke up and still had a temp. She had lost her voice and was coughing and wheezing, and we were worried she might get pneumonia or something, so we decided to take her to Urgent Care. She was so miserable: she was either sleeping or crying the entire time we were there. The doctor barely even checked her out and then dismissed our concerns and told us she simply had a cold. He didn't do any tests or anything. He wouldn't give her any medicine, so it was pretty much a complete waste of time.
     Today, we headed back to Tennessee. Rylee had a bit more energy today and her fever never got high again, so we were relieved. She was so happy to be home, she went in her room and immediately started playing. Then, a couple hours later, she started to get fussy and her fever came back. We put her in the bath and put her to bed just before seven and now I'm listening to her coughing in her sleep over the monitor. I'm praying that she gets better soon.

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