Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another Week Down and St. Patrick's Day

      This week has been L-O-N-G and exhausting. The time changed last weekend, so I felt off all week. I'm up walking around and talking a lot more while teaching at this placement and that wears me out, too. By the end of each day, my voice is weak, but it always comes back strong the next day. I do enjoy it though. I was afraid at first because it was just so different from my last placement, but I really enjoy my time at school and love teaching these crazy kiddos.
     Liz was on Spring break this week, so Wednesday, Rylee got to go spend the day with her and Kade. She had a blast playing outside all day with him. Then Friday night, I kept Kade so Liz and Brandon could go out to eat, and we had a blast. Those two kiddos just love spending time together. They really keep each other entertained.
      Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, and it was a beautiful Saturday. Of course, I had to get some cutesy pictures of Ryles for the holiday. She is just so easy to take pictures of. I love to capture her expressions because I want to savor every moment of her childhood. After I took some pictures of her, we headed to Nonna's and Granddaddy's to spend the day outdoors. We took a walk and rode the four-wheeler, and Rylee swung on her swing. Last night we ordered pizza and spent the night in as a family.
      Rylee is changing so quickly. This week she mastered climbing up, sitting down, and going down the slide by herself. Before she would climb up and stand waiting for someone to sit her down so she could slide. She also has learned to answer when someone asks her her name. She says "I Rylee!" :) It's too cute. She is talking so much. Today in church she made a dirty diaper and as soon as she did it she said, "Uh-oh! What's that? It's poop?" And she wouldn't stop saying that until I took her to the back to change her diaper. It was a bit embarrassing, but also pretty hilarious! She also learned how to say Brandon this week. :) I love how verbal she is, even when she's a bit inappropriate. Haha!
     Tomorrow is Liz's 27th birthday! Today, after church, we went out to lunch to celebrate. Going out to eat with Rylee and Kade is always interesting, but we had a good time. I am so thankful for a sister like her! Happy birthday, girl! :)

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