Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

21 Months Old

   Today Rylee Love is 21 months old! I cannot believe my baby will be 2 in 3 short months! It doesn't seem real. Time surely does fly!
     So let's see... Rylee has 18 teeth. I measured her at home today, and she was 23.8 lbs and 33.5 inches tall. That would put her in the 20th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. She's getting much better about eating and drinking. She's still pretty picky, but when you find something she likes, she will PIG OUT! She loves to eat. I hope soon she will start being more open to trying new foods, but for now I'm happy that she's eating and gaining weight. She's also been drinking better. The weather has been very warm, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I also switched her sippys from Nuby Soft Spouts to Nuk Active Cups. They are a lot easier to drink from, and since I bought them she's averaged about 15-20 oz per day. Before we were lucky to get 8-10 oz. Major progress!
     She's moving into size 2T clothes, the pants are a little big around, but the length is perfect! She's at a transition point where she wears both size 5 and size 6 shoes. She's also transitioning from size 4 diapers to size 2T-3T Pull-Ups! This past week we started to try to ease into potty training. She doesn't quite understand it yet, but we don't really force the issue. We sit her on her potty a couple times per day and see what happens. She's gone in her potty about 5 times in the last 10 days. Then yesterday she went in her potty twice in a row with a dry diaper in between, so we're definitely making some progress. But I'm not that worried about it just yet, I'm just trying to introduce her to the concept. My goal is to have her pretty much fully potty trained by August. We'll see...
    Her personality shines more and more each day. She is such a goof. She loves to laugh and play and rough-house! She is also such a smarty pants! She is starting to learn to sing the ABC song and she knows how to say 1, 2, 3. She also has a HUGE vocabulary. She talks more every single day. I can't believe how much she has to say. She is definitely not a baby anymore! But I love my little girl and am thrilled to see the little person she is growing into!

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