Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Here We Go Again...

      This week has been a week of adjusting. I don't like change. I was comfortable where I was, so this week has been a little challenging for me. I love Atoka Elementary, my new CT, and my new class. Everything is really great there, I am just not adjusting as quickly as I need to. I start teaching half the subjects tomorrow and everything the following Monday. I need to get the hang of things very quickly!
     Yesterday we went to Dyersburg and just played around a little. We are on a tight budget right now, so we thought going to the arcade for a little while would be a good cheap way to spend the afternoon. We let Rylee ride a few little 50-cent rides they have around the mall and then we went to the arcade and she played games with her daddy and I. She really enjoyed herself, so I'm glad we went.
      2 months from tomorrow I graduate from U of M! I am so ready for summer when I can spend every single day with this beauty! She is growing so very quickly. The picture on the right was taken around this time last year. She has grown so much in only a year's time. I still see her as that little monkey-baby on the right, but she sure has grown into a little lady on me! She's talking and playing and doing more things independently everyday. She is so well-behaved and sweet. I love my gorgeous girl!

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