Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"I think I can; I think I can!"

      This week was pretty good, but I have got Spring fever something terrible! I am so ready for Spring Break and graduation!! I am getting into routine at my new school; it is just a lot of work to teach first grade! I am hoping that I get a job in Kindergarten. I just loved it when I was there! I am enjoying my time at Atoka, too. I am just ready to be done with student teaching and anxious to know what my future career has in store for me!
      Yesterday, Liz and I went shopping! She is on Spring Break this coming week. I'm pretty jealous and sad that we don't have break together, but summer break will be here soon and we'll get lots of time together! I also ordered Rylee's second birthday party decor yesterday. I know it is a bit early, but I was really excited about the theme I found and I wanted to go ahead and get it so I can make sure everything is coordinated. I can't believe I'm planning a second birthday party, but I love my little toddler so!
     This week it seems Rylee has gone through some sort of language growth spurt. She has been talking more frequently and much more clearly. It amazes me how much she talks and how much I can understand what she is saying. Very little of what she says these days sounds like gibberish to me. I often notice her speaking in full, 5-7 word sentences. She just blows me away. A few days this week Granny kept baby Jenna and Rylee got to see her for the short time that she stays with Granny in the afternoons. She was so sweet with her. She would give her toys to play with and rock her little bouncer for her. It really melts my heart to see her be so kind. Yesterday, she was playing with her daddy and he fell off the bed. She climbed down as quickly as she could, patted his back, and asked if he was okay. The she gave him and hug and a kiss and told him "all better!" She is such a sweetheart!
     This morning we went to church. Before church, Rylee pointed to my camera and said "pictures" so I took her outside and took some pictures of her while she was playing and posing for me. She is so funny. I enjoy being her mommy so very much. Now both Ryan and Rylee are napping, and the apartment is so quiet. I used to love being by myself and would do anything for some quiet alone time, but these days, I know I am blessed to have such an amazing family to fill the silence. MY heart is full and happy and I know I will make it through school no problem with the support of the people I love!

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