Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rylee's First Haircut

      Today we took Rylee to get her first haircut. She just needed a trim to cut off the thin little baby hairs at her ends. I have been putting this off because Rylee used to be horrible with new situation, but lately she has been better about it, so we thought it'd be a good time to go get it done. Plus, her hair really needed it.
       Her hair looks a million times better after the trim. It looks so healthy now! Kaden went and got his first cut today, too. Liz was tired of his hair always being in his eyes. Both kids did pretty well. Rylee had to be held by me the entire time, but she was god about staying still and she didn't cry or pitch a fit or anything. Kaden didn't want to be still, so Mrs. Amanda had to chase after him to get his cut done, but it turned out fine.
     After their haircuts, we treated the kids to lunch at McDonald's for being such good, big kids. I am so proud of them. And doesn't their hair look fabulous?!

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