Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 2, 2012


     A lot has been going on lately, and I haven't had a chance to write about it yet. About 2 weeks ago, Mary and Bailey moved in with us. Last weekend we moved out of our apartment and into a much more spacious rental house. Everything has changed, but everything has been really good so far. :)
      Rylee and Bailey have already gotten to the point that they act like sisters. They want to do everything just alike. They love to play together, but they fight like sisters, too. They each have had moments where they've gotten tired of sharing or just wanted some personal space, and tantrums have followed, but altogether, they've both adjusted to the changes very quickly and very well. They are learning so much from each other, and they sure are cute together!
      The new house has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. It has a deck and a large backyard. Both girls are thrilled about all the space to play! We are thrilled with the space, too. Things were getting a little cramped at the apartment. Here we have a playroom that is just FILLED with toys. The girls love it! It helps them to share all toys instead of worrying about which toy belongs to whom, and now Rylee's bedroom is much less cluttered. I'll do a whole post on her new room once her new "big girl" bed comes in.
     Kade loves the new house, too. He has been over to play 3 times since we've moved in, and he has been playing nonstop every minute that he's been over here. I think he's excited to have two of his cousins here to play with now. These 3 kids are such a mess together. I love them all so!

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