Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Finding Nemo

      Today, Ryan, Rylee, Mary, Bailey, and I went to the movies to see Finding Nemo in 3D. Bailey had been to the movies once before, but this was Rylee's first time. We were all so excited, and had a blast!
      The girls did really well with sitting and watching the movie. Rylee only wore her glasses for the first 5 minutes, so I'm sure it was blurry to her the whole time, but she still sat pretty still and watched the "fishies!" We had a couple of times were the girls wanted to get up and play, but they did way better than I even thought they would.
      After the movie ended, the girls had pent-up energy from being still for so long, so we took them to Poplar Park in Munford. The girls had a blast sliding, swinging, and climbing. They played and played until it was time for dinner.
    We almost didn't go today because Bailey got food poisoning or something yesterday and was pretty sick last night, but she woke up good as new. Thank God! Then, I woke up with body aches and a 100.1 fever, but I didn't want to miss out, so we went anyways. I'm glad we did! I still don't feel 100%, but I had a lot of fun! :)

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